PM Return Shipping Options

You can read our entire shipping policy on the PM Shipping Information Page

Your account will automatically be set up on UPS Return Service Labels unless you request otherwise. Paul Morrell will now send a UPS Return Service Label in every box at no charge when you meet two simple requirements for your time in transit area.


Accounts in Transit Days 1, 2 and 3 (refer to map) ordering $200.00 in rental merchandise by midnight Sunday before the week of use will receive a free UPS Return Service Label in your box(s). As a courtesy, accounts not meeting the $200.00 minimum will receive a prepaid UPS RS Label which will be billed to your account in order to expedite return shipping unless requested otherwise.

Accounts in Transit Days 4, 5 and 6 (refer to map) ordering $200.00 in rental merchandise by midnight Wednesday before the week of use will receive a free UPS Return Service Label in the boxes of those orders. As a courtesy, accounts not meeting the $200.00 minimum will receive a prepaid UPS RS Label which will be billed to your account in order to expedite return shipping unless requested otherwise.

UPS Return Service Labels will be in a pouch inside the lid of the box. The UPS RS Label should be applied to the same box it is in and can be given to any UPS driver or taken to any of the UPS Stores, a UPS Customer Center, Office Depot, Staples, or any UPS Authorized Shipping Outlet. There is no additional UPS charge to drop off a box with a UPS RS Label.

Drop Shipped Orders and UPS Third Party Billing accounts are not included in this program.

Return merchandise is required to be back to PM no later than Friday following the week of use. All shipping charges for shipments not in transit (as determined by UPS) at that point are the responsibility of the account.