3 Simple Ways We Help You Grow
There are a few simple but incredibly helpful points about our service we want you to be familiar with. There really are a lot of reasons to use Paul Morrell, but for the moment, let us bring just three to your attention. These services make a real difference and enable us to help you grow.
1. Use MyTuxedoCatalog.com As Your Own
Our catalog has an extensive collection of tuxedos and suits and multiple accessory lines and this is your catalog to advertise to your customers! The selection for your customers to choose from is excellent, the interactivity of the site is user-friendly, and you don’t even see our name on the site unless you dig for it. We want you to use it as your own and promote your store to your customers, not us.
2. Place Orders Easily Online – 24/7
PM Online is a secure, real-time, online order entry system. You can key in your orders when your store is full of crazy prom kids or when you’re home after the store closes. You can also make changes to orders, print out confirmations, track orders view statements, and make payments. Also, receive a 5% discount on all orders you enter into the system!
3. Confirmations for Every Order
Finally, how do you know if we entered your call-in orders correctly or if you did when you keyed your own tickets online? We provide an email copy of every order entered by phone, fax, or PM Online within the following hour! All you have to do is a quick review. We set up all PM Online accounts to be able to see their orders anytime for review or confirmation.
We hope you will understand how much we care about your business and helping you grow. That’s why we want to be your partner and your warehouse!
More Services and Benefits of Being a Paul Morrell Partner:
- We drive customers to your store. As your partner, we know that bringing business to you also brings business to us! Most active Paul Morrell accounts can be found via our MyTuxedoCatalog.com Partner Locator Map which has over 60,000 unique monthly users. This way, potential customers are directed to your store while they’re using the largest online catalog of rental tuxedos & suits.
- Every Order – Low Pricing. Unlike other suppliers, we don’t offer a discount or “free” bonuses after renting a certain quantity. We offer the lowest price on every single order year-round – even with small orders.
- Are your customers interested in purchasing instead of renting? In addition to offering a rental catalog, we also supply you with a sales only catalog, showcasing many of the same great styles available for rental that are also available for purchase. There is also many ‘ sale only’ styles you won’t find in the rental catalog.
- We help with marketing your store. We have subsidized marketing tools and supplies like swatch books, banners, and brochures available!
- FREE shipping, both ways! If you place an order before midnight on the Wednesday before the week of use and it was over $100.00, we pay the freight to get it to you and include a UPS RS tag to get it back! There are some small minimum requirements and location requirements for our Free Shipping program, read more on our Shipping Page.
- We eliminate your concern about wondering if you returned everything that you received. “How?” you might ask. With every shipment from Paul Morrell you receive a complete manifest by order, style, size, and barcode of all your orders for the week, and you can check them off the list as you load up the return box! Simple.
- Track your shipments, just log-in to Paul Morrell Online.
- Our entire warehouse at your fingertips. Sometimes a bride wants to know what vests are available in blue, so we make it easy! Go to MyTuxedoCatalog.com, click on Catalog, Vests, and Blue (in the color selector). All blue vests (there’s about 40 to choose from) from our multiple accessory lines are shown for her to see in a heartbeat! Take a look!
- Make informed buying decisions. Thinking about making a purchase for your own inventory of tuxedos and want to know what’s hot? Check out our Top 10 Tuxedo Styles. We share!
Are you considering your own store website and need a tuxedo style catalog to complete the project? As an active account holder, just link to MyTuxedoCatalog.com and you’re done!