Wholesale Account Payment Options All new accounts are shipped COD Cash or Credit Card in advance until credit is established with PM. Name* First Last Business Name*Email* How would you like to pay for your merchandise?*Credit Card (Credit Card details are not required to complete this form)COD Cash (Cashiers Check or Money Order. All COD fees are your responsibility)COD Check (Must be an existing account in good standing. All COD fees are your responsibility)Concerning declined Credit Cards - If your credit card is declined, your orders will automatically be shipped C.O.D. Cash. Please check this box to acknowledge you are aware of and agree to this policy:* I understand my orders will be shipped C.O.D Cash if my Credit Card is declined for any reason, if no other arrangements have been made with Paul Morrell. Authorization* I do hereby authorize Paul Morrell Formalwear to set up my account as a constant credit card paying account. I understand all charges will be billed to the credit card I provide Paul Morrell, including shipments, finance charges, late charges and non-returned merchandise charges. This payment procedure will stay in effect until the person signing below notifies Paul Morrell in writing of a desired change (2 weeks notice is required.) If you select 'COD Cash', whenever your box is delivered, UPS will require a Cashiers Check or Money Order in the correct ammount before leaving the merchandise. If you select 'COD Check', whenever your box is delivered, UPS will require a personal or business check before leaving the merchandise. Acknowledgements* By assigning your name below, you acknowledge and agree to pay all charges associated with rental & sale orders, and applicable shipping charges & fees. You also acknowledge responsibility for any late return charges (rebills), or replacement charges incurred due to damaged or lost items. All payments are due within the specified time frames outlined in the Paul Morrell Policy Statement. Late payments may incur penalties, such as interest or additional fees. Please see the Policy Guidelines in the Rental Price List for additional information. Please type your name here to indicate your understanding the above:* Additional Notes:PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ